Philipp Lunch

Hi there! I am Philipp. I like personal websites. Here is mine.

I love my local library

A couple of weeks ago I finally started my membership at the local library (@stbibkoeln) and now I wonder: Why didn´t I do that 12 years ago when I moved to Cologne?

I really love the priniciple of renting over buying – libraries feel like the perfect embodiment of that sharing economy. So it was about time.

Since I started my membership I already borrowed a variety of stuff:

  • A Steeldrum
  • A Korg Volca Synthesizer – which I totally love
  • 5 Books – I am reading more regularly now because there is a return date
  • 2 Movies – they have a online-media library that kinda looks like netflix

This feels like a membership that I want to keep for the rest of my life.

Isn’t that a game?

As children, we were thrilled when we first got a computer—a 286 MHz model, if I remember correctly. I knew that computer games existed, but I had no idea what they actually looked like.

One of the programs I enjoyed was an IBM typing practice tool designed to teach 10 finger typing. My sister and I played it frequently, convinced it was a fun computer game.

Thanks to that experience, I can now type with all ten fingers! Would I still have loved it, when I knew it was primarily an exercise?

Recently I stumbled upon online typing games such as this one Instantly hooked again.

I federated this blog

Im officially part of the cool kids club of the decentralized web: I federated this WordPress blog with the ActivityPub Plugin by Matthias Pfefferle @pfefferle.

It seems to work: The plugin has created a mastodon profile that anyone can follow. New blogposts are automatically posted there.

Not sure if I can comment or reply with that profile. Time to explore.

Hello IndieWeb

This is it: My first blogpost is online. And with it my brand new personal website.

It took me quite a while to get to this point since I started over a couple of times. But I really enjoyed the process of tinkering around and exploring how my website will look. It is not finished yet but I am letting it out in the IndieWeb: Why wait, it will evolve over time anyhow.

I’m looking forward connecting with you folks.